
Accommodation in Lisbon Marques de Pombal

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Impossible to come to Lisbon without hearing about the Marques de Pombal. Conductor of the rebuilding of the city after the 1755 earthquake, flamboyant and wise prime minister, he almost overshadowed by his aura the name of his sovereign Joseph 1er. Choose an accommodation in Lisbon Marques de Pombal.

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Holiday rentals in Lisbon Marques de Pombal

Here are our accommodation in Lisbon Marques de Pombal, Portugal. My home in Lisbon offers you also the possibility to rent a nice an accommodation in Avenue de la Liberte or in Principe Real for a pleasant holiday in Lisbon.

Rent an accommodation in Lisbon Marques de Pombal

Lisbon thanked him for his devotion by planting his statue in his heart on the square that now bears his name. Carrefour de Lisbon, the seat of many companies and banks, but also prestigious hotels, the Marques de Pombal district is also known for its huge park (Parque Eduardo VII) which starts from the square to reach the heights of the street Marques de Fronteira , Offering a magnificent panorama of the city and the Tagus. If you are passionate about history and extraordinary destiny, you can immerse yourself in the biography of Sebastião José de Carvalho e Melo, Marquis de Pombal, a provincial nobleman who has become an emblematic figure of the city. Throughout his life, it is a central page of the history of Lisbon that you will discover: that of the earthquake of 1755, which changed its face forever. Nature lovers will delight in the gigantic parque Eduardo VII, some 26 hectares (the largest park in Lisbon). Lawn, landscaped gardens, historical pavilions ... Do not miss the Estufa fria, a huge greenhouse (8 hectares) created in the late 1920s that shelters rare species. It is divided into three parts: the Estufa fria (cold greenhouse), the Estufa doce (greenhouse), with cacti and succulent plants and the Estufa quente (greenhouse) with a tropical atmosphere. The architecture is superb, signed Raul Carapinha. Book your accommodation in Marques de Pombal with My Home in Lisbon and enjoy an oasis of serenity at the heart of the city!